Monday, August 18, 2014

Fort Vaux and Douaumont

Our first stop after lunch was Fort Vaux.  Fort Vaux was the second fort to fall during WW1.  Walking through the tight underground corridors it is hard to imagine how the soldiers stationed there and fighting must have felt.  This is not a place for claustrophobes.

Fort Vaux

Not even 1 km away from Fort Vaux, we moved forward to 1942 to WW2.
WW2 mass grave of resistance fighters
They were executed by the Gestapo a few months after Bain-de-Bretagne had been liberated in 1944.

We then returned back to WW1.  The second fort we visited was Fort Douaumont.  This fort, though larger than Fort Vaux, was not heavily defended and fell rather quickly after being attacked.
Both of these visits were quite interesting as you walk around following a guided tour with an i-Pod explaining the different events, locations in the fort.
*click on the yellow links to find a Wikipedia article about the history of the fort.

Fort Douaumont

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