Monday, April 19, 2010

16 Years Today

It's hard to believe that my little running life has reached its sweet 16. 16 years ago this morning I laced on an old pair of running shoes left over from my college days and drug my 200lb+ butt out the door to go for a run. Well that was the idea anyway. In reality it was a run walk affair. I'd run 30 seconds and walk 2-3 minutes. It wasn't pretty or even that much fun. Those 30 seconds seemed to drag on forever, whereas the 2-3 minute walk breaks felt no longer than 30 seconds. If I'd had one of the fancy watches I'd soon buy to support my running addiction, I'd have sworn I was running the reverse that I'd intended. But no, I was that out of shape. My lungs were on fire, my legs jello. How I convinced myself to try that again, I don't know. But I did. One year later, I'd managed to run a full year, something I hadn't accomplished even during my "true" athletic career in high school. I was ecstatic. Driving to work that morning I after my historic run, I heard on the news the first reports of the Oklahoma bombing. My elation was short-lived as the world learned more and more of that terrible act. To say that afterwards I decided to continue running in their honor would be a lie, but the thought of all those lives lost do cross my mind during my runs in April or really anytime I think about how long I've been running.
So this journey has brought me from 220 lbs (110kg) to 150lbs (68kg) and currently back at 176lbs (80kgs). The blubber is currently winning having snuck up behind me...i.e. Love handles. The battle continues...
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