Dear Brats,
It has been too long since I last wrote anything here. But here's a cute story to share:
Jean-Loup is learning to read, and he's quite proud of his accompishments. He wanted to show me how well he could read, so he picked up this book,
Well being bilingual, he wanted to read it in English. So he began,
JL: Milk three wolves.
me: no it's not milk it's the three wolves.
JL, OK, milk three wolves.
me: No it's not milk, les is the in English.
JL: Milk three wolves.
I finally gave up. The next night I was speaking with Jeannine about his reading, and she said the title of the book. It's pronounced more or less "Lay twa lou" It dawned on me, he was using the sound of les(lay) which sounds a bit like lait (milk) in French. So his translation was phonetically correct.
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