Sunday, March 21, 2010

Investigation results

Fingerprints lifted from the sugar container matched all three suspects. Inconclusive.
Post-mortem on the victims determined the cause of death to be asphyxiation due to lack of oxygen caused by the bacterial bloom. H2O analysis was consistent with an overdose of sugar. Murder weapon has been confirmed but cannot be directly tied to any of the 3 suspects.
A brief funeral was held for the victims in the toilet. de
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Saturday, March 20, 2010

CSI: Bain-de-Bretagne

Aquarium is opaque white with an apparent bacterial bloom.
Grains of sweet crystal substance found on the top of the aquarium. Empty sugar container in the kitchen. Fish dead. Shrimp are missing. Three suspects have been apprehended, but all the evidence is circumstantial. Plea deals have been offered. No takers. Investigation continues.

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